Butler's Apps

Application Development for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch


An independent software development company with a passion for crafting great Apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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Trevor Butler - Proprietor of Butler's Apps

Trevor has been professionally involved in software development since the late 1970s. Exciting new developments in iPhone, iPad and iPod touch technology has inspired him to set up his company dedicated to producing new Apps for these devices. Trevor has been a registered Apple Developer since 2011. He has completed the excellent Developing Apps for iPhone and iPad courses by Paul Hegarty of Stanford University (available through the iTunes university). This included being part of the first Coding Together initiative in 2012, where non Stanford University members were invited to join the course in real time. He regularly keeps his knowledge current through the latest iOS guide and reference material and the WWDC (world wide developers conference), the latest of which gave an in depth insight into iOS 13.